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Since the summer of 2008 we have organized several fundraising events, raising over $4000 for the Belskoye Ustye orphanage.  Below is a brief description of these events.

Thank you to all who have donated!

Our first event, “A  Midsummer Japanese Dream”  was held on   Sunday, July 27th, 2008 . At this event we raised $2000 for the Belskoye Ustye orphanage. This money went towered school supplies, and teacher’s salary’s. 

Later that winter, we invited our donors to meet with Laure Trebosc. Laure flew all the way from Moscow to San Francisco,  for this meeting, and some sight seeing.  Laure is a French-born, young woman, who after working with Russian orphans as a student-volunteer, decided to stay in Russia to help these children further. She has now worked for the non-profit organization, Rostok, for several years. It is here she and her colleagues have developed, and implemented several programs at the Belskoye Ustye orphanage. Until recently Laure was our main contact in Russia, for this cause. Our Guests were amazed at Laure’s spirit, and impressed by her dedication.

This year we invited Laure Trebosc  back to the East Bay, while she was visiting San Francisco. On July 17th, 2009, Laure spoke to the women of  “Club Nika” in San Ramon. Laure, who along with French, and English, also speaks fluent Russian, gave her presentation to the Russian speaking club members. Laure spoke of the NPO Rostok, the Belskoye Ustye orphanage, and the children who live there. She told stories of the children who have benefited from medical assistance provided by Rostok. One story in particular was that of a 18 year old girl, named Julia. Juila was confined to a wheelchair, but thanks to surgery, and physical therapy, she is able to stand for the first time. Her progress has been remarkable, but is still ongoing.  Surgery, and therapy like this would not have been possible without the help of a non-profit like Rostok. Laure then showed a film, which recently won a grand prize at the Russian Festival, about the children who live in this orphanage. The audience was touched, and decided to donate $1.000 to the orphanage’s programs. Together with money which our members and sponsors donated, we were able to send $1.400 to our Russian charges. You can see clips from this film on “YouTube” youtube=http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=dimanahimov#play/uploads, or on the  Video page of this blog. See the ” $$ at work” page for details.

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